B.Sc. Computer Science Question Papers JULY-2022
PTU B.Sc. Computer Science Question Paper for Download July – 2022
Download question Papers Semester wise:-
Semester wise Subject code with subject name:-
2nd Semester
- BCS 201 Partial differentiation and Differential Equations ———–Download
- BCS 202 Coordinate Geometry —————————————Download
- BCS 203 Theory of Relativity and Electromagnetism—————–Download
- BCS 204 Theory of Waves and Oscillations ————————–Download
- BCS 205 Object Oriented Programming in C++ ———————Download
- BCS 206 Computer System Architecture —————————–Download
- BCS 209 Communicative English –II ———————————Download
4th Semester
- BCS 401 Number Theory ———————————————-Download
- BCS 402 Fundamentals of Statics ————————————-Download
- BCS 403 Atomic Molecular and Spectroscopy ————————Download
- BCS 404 Quantum Mechanics —————————————–Download
- BCS 405 Operating Systems ——————————————Download
- BCS 406 Data Communication and Computer Networks ————Download
- BSC 409 Environment Science —————————————-Download
6th Semester
- BCS 601 Real Analysis ————————————————Download
- BCS 602 Linear Algebra ———————————————–Download
- BCS 603 Nuclear Physics ———————————————-Download
- BCS 604 Particle Physics ———————————————-Download
- BCS 605 Multimedia —————————————————Download
- BCS 606 Computer Graphics ——————————————Download