B.Sc. Mathematics Question Papers JULY-2022
PTU B.Sc. Mathematics Question Paper for Download July – 2022
Download question Papers Semester wise:-
Semester wise Subject code with Subject name
2nd Semester
- UC BHCL 113-19 Organic Chemistry —-Download
- UC BHHL 115-19 Communicative English-II—-Download
- UC BHHL 118A-19 Punjabi Compulsory-II —-Download
- UC-BSHM 201-19 Calculus –II —-Download
- UC BSHM 202-19 Solid Geometry —-Download
- UC BSHP 124-19 Waves and Vibrations —-Download
4th Semester
- UC BSHM 401-19 Vector Calculus —-Download
- UC BSHM 402-19 Ordinary differential Equations —-Download
- UC BSHM 403-19 Linear Algebra —-Download
- UC BSHM 404-19 Probability and Statistics —-Download
- EVS 101A Environmental Studies —-Download
6th Semester
- UC BSHM 601-19 Number Theory —-Download
- UC BSHM 602-19 Complex Analysis —-Download
- UC BSHM 603-19 Mechanics —-Download
- UC BSHM 604-19 Discrete Mathematics —-Download
- UC BSHM 605-19 Integral Equations and Integral transforms —-Download