B.Tech 3rd and 4th Semester Previous Question Papers for all courses
Download B.Tech. 3rd and 4th Semester Previous Question Papers for all courses-JULY 2022
Subject Code with Subject Name is given:-
- BTAE 402-18 Kinematics and Theory of Machines————Download
- BTAE 403-18 Heat Transfer and Combustion——–Download
- BTAE 404-18 Automotive Electrical and Electronics System—–Download
- BTAE 405-18 Transport Management and Automobile Industry—–Download
- BTAG 401-19 Surveying and Leveling——Download
- BTAG 402-19 Theory of Machines——-Download
- BTAG 403-19 Engineering Economics——-Download
- BTAG 404-19 Soil and Water Conservation——Download
- BTAG 405-19 Farm Power——–Download
- BTAR 401-18 Design of Machine Elements——-Download
- BTAR 402-18 Manufacturing Technology ——Download
- BTAR 403-18 Hydraulic and Pneumatics———-Download
- BTAR 404-18 Basic Electronics Engineering——Download
- BTAR 405-18 Industrial Safety——–Download
- BTAM 302-18 Mathematics-III ————Download
- BTAM 302-18 Mathematics-III(Probability and Statistics)——-Download
- BTBT 401-18 Industrial Microbiology ———-Download
- BTBT 402-18 Immunology and Immuno-technology—–Download
- BTBT 403-18 Cell and Molecular Biology———-Download
- BTBT 404-18 Intellectual Proprietary Rights Bioethics and Biosafety—–Download
- BTBT 408-18 Environmental Biotechnology——Download
- BTCE 401 Geomatics Engineering ——-Download
- BTCE 402 Construction Machinery and Works Management——Download
- BTCE 403 Design of Concrete Structures-I ———Download
- BTCE 404 Fluid Mechanics-II————Download
- BTCE 405 Irrigation Engineering-I———Download
- BTCE 406 Structural Analysis-I ——-Download
- BTCE 401 Operating Systems ———-Download
- BTCE 402-18 Concrete Technology——Download
- BTCE 402-18 Materials, Testing and Evaluation——-Download
- BTCE 403-18 Hydrology and Water Resources——–Download
- BTCE 404-18 Transportation Engineering——Download
- BTCE 405-18 Disaster Preparedness and Planning——Download
- BTCH 401B Heat Transfer ———–Download
- BTCH 402B Mass Transfer-I———–Download
- BTCH 403B Thermodynamics———-Download
- BTCH 404B Material Science——–Download
- BTCH 405B Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering—–Download
- BTEC 401 Analog Communication Systems——–Download
- BTEC 402 Signals and Systems———Download
- BTEC 403 Electromagnetic and Antennas——–Download
- BTEC 404 Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation——-Download
- BTEC 405 Pulse Wave Shaping and Switching———Download
- BTEC 404 Digital Electronics ———-Download
- BTEC 401-18 Analog Circuits———-Download
- BTEC 402-18 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers———Download
- BTEC 403-18 Signals and Systems————Download
- UC BTEC 403-19 Signals and Systems———Download
- BTEE 401 Asynchronous Machines——-Download
- BTEE 402 Linear Control Systems——–Download
- BTEE 403 Electromagnetic Fields———-Download
- BTEE 405 Power System-I ———–Download
- BTEE 402 Linear Control Systems——Download
- BTEE 406 Power Plant Engineering——-Download
- BTEE 401-18 Digital Electronics——Download
- BTEE 403-18 Power Electronics———Download
- BTEE 404-18 Signals and Systems——–Download
- UC BTEC 401-19 Analog Circuit——-Download
- UC BTEC 402-19 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers—–Download
- BTEEE 402 Transducers and Signal Conditioning——-Download
- BTEEE 401-18 Digital Electronics——Download
- BTEEE 402-18 Electrical Machines-II ———-Download
- BTEEE 403-18 Power Electronics———Download
- BTEEE 404-18 Signals and Systems——Download
- BTFT 221-19 Food Biochemistry—–Download
- BTFT 222-19 Principles and Methods of Food Processing——Download
- BTFT 224-19 Food Engineering—-Download
- BTFT 225-19 Food Microbiology—–Download
- BTFT 227-19 Heat and Mass Transfer——Download
- BTHU 401B Hass-II Professional Skills (Applications of Psychology in Everyday life—Download
- BTIT 401-18 Computer Network ——-Download
- BTIT 402-18 Operating Systems——-Download
- BTIT 403-18 Design and Analysis of Algorithm——Download
- BTME 401 Strength of Materials-II———Download
- BTME 402 Theory of Machines-II———Download
- BTME 403 Fluid Mechanics ——Download
- BTME 404 Applied Thermodynamics-II——–Download
- BTME 405 Manufacturing Processes-II——–Download
- BTME 401-18 Applied Thermodynamics——Download
- BTME 402-18 Fluid Machines———-Download
- BTME 403-18 Strength of Materials-II———-Download
- BTME 404-18 Materials Engineering—–Download
- BTME 405-18 Theory of Machines-II ——–Download
- SE 401-19 Database Management Systems——Download
- SE 402-19 Computer Organization and Architecture——Download
- SE 403-19 Operating System ——Download
- SE 404-19 Design and Analysis of Algorithms——Download