MCQ on Synonym Part-2

MCQ on Synonym Part-2 Choose the word which is Synonyms, most identical or closest in meaning to the given or underlined word:-   1- Content (A) satisfied (B) unhappy (C) joy (D) closer   2- Blunder (A) mistake (B) danger (C) worry (D) none of the above   3- Humorous (A) timid (B) witty (C) […]

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MCQ on Synonyms – Part 1

MCQ on Synonyms Part -1 Choose the word which is Synonyms, most identical or closest in meaning to the given word:- Previous year question paper from center government r state government – part 1 1- Hiatus  (A) gap (B) occasional (C) distant place (D) uphill task   2- Obscure (A) unknown (B) old (C) neglectful […]

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MCQ on Preposition

MCQ on Preposition   Fill in the blank with suitable Preposition 1- Hurry up! The movie starts ………………. 6 p.m. (A) at (B) on (C) after (D) with   2- Where were you ……………….Sunday evening. (A) on (B) at (C) after (D) by   3- My great grandmother was born …………….1910. (A) on (B) in […]

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MCQ on Articles

MCQ on Articles   Fill with suitable article:- 1- Ram gave me …… rupee note. (A) a (B) an (C) the (D) not needed   2- He is …………..honour to his profession. (A) an (B) a (C) the (D) not needed   3- Toronto is located on …………..Lake Ontario. (A) a (B) the (C) an […]

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MCQ on verb and adverb 

MCQ on verb and adverb    1- Complete the sentence with correct form of verb; Tomorrow, I ………..(leave) office early to attend a meeting. (A) will leave (B) leave (C) left (D) leaving   2- Choose the correct form of verb; The train ……………. (arrive) any moment. (A) will arrive (B) arrives (C) will arrived […]

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MCQ on Idioms and Phrases

MCQ on Idioms and Phrases   1- Boiling the Ocean (A) impossible (B) possible (C) probable (D) interesting   2- To get rid of (A) to dispose of (B) to quarrel with someone (C) to reject some one (D) to speak ill about someone   3- To beat around the bush (A) searching for a […]

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MCQ on Antonyms

MCQ on Antonyms Choose the suitable/ best expresses – opposite/ reverse/ antonym/ contrary/ antipode word from the given four options.   1- …… the antonym of Adornment (A) Blemish (B) Perfect (C) Sincere (D) None of the above   2- ………is the antipode word for Opponent (A) Ally (B) Enemy (C) Foe (D) All of […]

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Miscellaneous MCQ on synonyms and antonyms – PART 1

Miscellaneous MCQ on synonyms and antonyms   1- ………… the synonym of ‘Denial’ (A) Rejection (B) Acceptance (C) Thoughtful (D) Pretend   2- The antonym of ‘Compulsory’ is ………………… (A) Voluntary (B) Permissible (C) Absolutely (D) Happily   3- …………….is synonym for ‘Futile’ (A) Possible (B) Impossible (C) Probable (D) Interesting   4- ……………is the […]

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