MCQ on Major Domains of the Earth
1- The solid portion of the earth on which we live is called …………
(A) Lithosphere
(B) Atmosphere
(C) Hydrosphere
(D) Biosphere
2- The gaseous layers that surround the earth are called …………….
(A) Atmosphere
(B) Lithosphere
(C) Hydrosphere
(D) Biosphere
3- Water covered by a large area of the earth’s surface and this area is called…………………….
(A) Lithosphere
(B) Hydrosphere
(C) Biosphere
(D) Atmosphere
4- ……………is a narrow zone where we find land, water and air together which contains all form of life.
(A) Lithosphere
(B) Biomes
(C) Biosphere
(D) Hydrosphere
5- The two main divisions of the earth’s surface are: 1.Continents and 2. …………………
(A) Canals
(B) Rivers
(C) Seas
(D) Ocean Basins
6- The large landmasses are known as ………………
(A) Ocean basins
(B) Continents
(C) Elevation
(D) Lithosphere
7- The huge water bodies are called the ……………..
(A) Continents
(B) Ocean Basin
(C) Hydrosphere
(D) Landmasses
8- Elevation of land is measured from level of the sea which is taken as …………….
(A) Lowest Point
(B) Highest point
(C) Zero
(D) None of the above
9- Match the following
Origin of words from Greek language
Word meaning
a. Lithos 1. Life
b. Atmos 2. Water
c. Hudro 3. Vapou
d. Bios 4. Stone
(A) a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1
(B) a- 1, b-2, c-3, d-4
(C) a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1
(D) a-4, b-3, c-2, d-a
10- Who were the first men to climb the highest mountain peak Mount Everest on 29th May 1953?
(A) Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa
(B) Junko Tabei
(C) Bechandri Pal
(D) None of the above
1-(A), 2-(A), 3-(B), 4-(C), 5-(D), 6-(B), 7-(B), 8-(C), 9-(D), 10-(A)