11- A blue water is used for showing ………………..
(A) Mountains
(B) Plateaus
(C) Plains
(D) Water bodies
12- A compass is used ………………….
(A) To measure the water
(B) To measure the symbols
(C) To measure the direction
(D) To measure the distance
13- A scale is necessary for a …………………….
(A) Map
(B) Globe
(C) Sketch
(D) Symbols
14- ……………….are the drawings, which reduce the entire world or a part of it to fit on a sheet of paper
(A) Sketch
(B) Maps
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of the above
15- With the help of scale we can calculate the ………….between any two places on a map.
(A) Size
(B) Speed
(C) Distance
(D) All of the above
16- ……………scales are used to shown the large area like continents or countries on a paper.
(A) Sketch
(B) Small
(C) Large
(D) Symbol
17- …………..scales are used to shown the small area like towns, village on a paper.
(A) Small
(B) Large
(C) Symbols
(D) Sketch
18- Which type of maps is used to give more information?
(A) Small Scale
(B) Large scale
(C) Medium scale
(D) Plastic scale
19-All the maps contain an arrow marked with the letter ‘N’ at the upper right corner. The arrow shows north direction it is called the……………..
(A) North Scale
(B) North Pole
(C) North Line
(D) None of the above
20- With the help of which direction we can find out the other three directions?
(A) West
(B) East
(C) South
(D) North
11-(D), 12-(D), 13-(A), 14-(B), 15-(C), 16-(C), 17-(A), 18-(B), 19-(C), 20-(D)