MCQ on Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

CBSE/NCERT 7th Class MCQ CBSE/NCERT 7th Class MCQ on Geography

21- Temperate deciduous forest shed their leaves in …………………season

(A) Dry

(B) Spring

(C) Autumn

(D) Winter


22- Oak, ash, beech, are common trees found in the ……………………….forest.

(A) Tropical deciduous forest

(B) Temperate deciduous forests

(C) Coniferous forest

(D) Thorny bushes


23- Monals and Pheasants are species of ………………..

(A) Deer

(B) Monkey

(C) Bird

(D) Wolves


24- West and south-west margins of continents have ……………………..type of vegetation.

(A) Thorny

(B) Coniferous

(C) Deciduous

(D) Mediterranean


25- Mediterranean type of vegetation mostly found in the regions of …………………..

(A) California in the USA

(B) South-West Africa

(C) South-West Australia

(D) All of the above


26- Which of the following are citrus fruits?

(A) Oranges

(B) Apples

(C) Banana

(D) Mango


27- What type of vegetation is/are found in higher latitudes of northern hemisphere?

(A) Mediterranean forest

(B) Coniferous forest

(C) Temperate deciduous forest

(D) Tropical deciduous forest


28- Coniferous forests are also called as ……………….

(A) Monsoon

(B) Waiga

(C) Taiga

(D) Evergreen


29- What type of woods is/are used to make Match boxes and packing box?

(A) Teak

(B) Oak

(C) Hardwood

(D) Softwood


30- Silver fox, mink, polar bear, are common animals found in ………………..vegetation.

(A) Coniferous

(B) Deciduous

(C) Evergreen

(D) Tropical



21-(A), 22-(B), 23-(C), 24-(D), 25-(D), 26-(A), 27-(B), 28-(C), 29-(D), 30-(A)