HCS-2014-Prelims and Mains all subjects question paper

HPSC Question Papers Question Papers

21-The Government of India Act 1919 was based upon:

(A) Montagu Chelmsford Report

(B) Nehru Report

(C)Morley Minto Reform

(D) Ramsay MacDonald Award


22-From which one of the following perspectives, has the notion of human rights been criticized?

(A) Universalism

(B) Cultural Identity

(C) Individualism



23- In Marxist thought, the concept of Hegemony is closely associated with whom amng the following?

(A) F. Engels

(B) Mao-Tse-Tung

(C) Gramsci

(D) Rosa Luxemburg


24-Who among the following emphasized the environmental factor in decision –making approach?

(A)Graham Allison and Ole Holsti

(B) Talcott Parsons and Edward Shils

(C) Herbert Simon and J. W Burton

(D) Harold and Margaret sprout


25- Who among the following argued that justice is the first virtue of social institutions?

(A) Charles Taylor

(B) G. W. F. Hegel

(C) Karl Marx

(D) John Rawls


26- Who among the following made the statement: “Sovereignty is the supreme power of state, over citizens and subjects unhindered by law”

(A) Bodin

(B) H. Gardner Harold

(C) Ayatollah RohallahKhomeini

(D) J. Laski


27- The Members of the standing committee are taken from the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in the ratio of

(A) 3:1 respectively

(B) 2:1 respectively

(C) 4:1 respectively

(D) Equal members for both the houses


28- Which of the following pairs are correctly matched?

  1. Samuel Huntington: Clash of Civilization
  2. Fred Riggs: Comparative Public Administration
  3. David Easton: Political system theory

      4. David Apter: Political Modernization 


(A) 1, 2, 3, and 4

(B) 3 and 4

(C) 1, 2 and 4

(D) 1, 2 and 3


29- Under which constitution amendment, 10 Fundamental duties of the citizens were included in the constitution?

(A) 24th

(B) 38th

(C) 44th

(D) 42nd


30- Jyotibha Phule was one of the prominent ……….of the 19h Century India.

(A) Social reformer

(B) Scientists

(C) Economists

(D) Politicians