HCS-2014-Prelims and Mains all subjects question paper

HPSC Question Papers Question Papers

31- Which article ensures Abolition of Untouchability?

(A) Article 17

(B) Article 19

(C) Article 15

(D) Article 16


32- Committees on Panchayati Raj were formed in

  1. Takhatmal Jain study Group 1966
  2. V. T. Krishnakaramchari 1960
  3. Balwant Rai Mehta 1957
  4. Ashok Mehta Committee 1977


Match the Following:

(A) 1 and 2

(B) 1, 2 and 3

(c) 2 and 3

(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4


33- High Courts are instituted as 

(A) Constitutional courts under Part VI, Chapter V, Article 214 of the Indian Constitution

(B) Constitutional Courts under Part VII, Chapter V, Article 214 of the Indian Constitution.

(C) Constitutional Courts under Part VI, Chapter VI, Article 214 of the Indian Constitution.

(D) Constitutional Courts under Part VIII, Chapter V, Article 214 of the Indian Constitution.


34- Harsamadhan is a Centralized Public Grievances Redress and Monitoring System of Haryana was launched on

(A) 18-06-2010

(B) 17-06-2010

(C) 19-06-2011

(D) 18-06-2013


35- HARIS provide information related to

  1. Registration of properties and land, linked to mutation and jamabandies.
  2. Issuance of copy of registered deed.
  3. Biometric and photograph of sub-registrar along with buyers and seller introduced to bring greater transparency.
  4. None of the above

(A) 1 and 2

(B) Only 3

(C) 1, 2 and 3

(D) Only 4


36- Haryana State Labor Policy came into existence in 

(A) 2006

(B) 2005

(C) 2004

(D) 2003


37- The Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd. Registered under Haryana co-operative Societies Act came into existence on

(A) 1st April 1977

(B) 1st April 1976

(C) 1st April 1978

(D) 1st April 1979


38- Dairy Cooperatives in Haryana works as per the following three trier system.

  1. Milk producer’s cooperative socities at village level.
  2. Milk producer’s cooperative societies at block level
  3. Milk union at district levels.
  4. State dairy federation at state level.

Which of the following are correct?

(A) 1, 2 and 3

(B) 2, 3 and 4

(C) 1, 3 and 4

(D) 2 and 4


39- State government of Haryana on 5th May 2013 issued Shiksha Setu Cards.

  1. For Government schools to keep students and teachers updated about the performance of the students.
  2. Are issued for ensuring individual attention over every student as this will help to impart quality education to students in government schools.
  3. This can be considered as a state government step towards effective implementation of the section 134 A of the Right to Education Act which envisages for admission of children belonging to poor and needy families in private school.
  4. These cards will act as the report cards for students.

Which of the following are correct?

(A) All are correct

(B) Only 1 and 2 are correct

(C) 1, 2 and 3 are correct

(D) Only 3 is correct


40- Haemoglobin is

(A) The iron containing oxygen transport metalloprotein in the red blood cells of all vertebrates with the exception of the fish family as well as the tissues of some invertebrates.

(B) The iron containing nitrogen transport metalloprotein in the red blood cells of all vertebrates with the exception of the fish family as well as the tissues of some invertebrates.

(C) The iron containing oxygen transport in the red blood cells of all vertebrates with the exception of the fish family as well as the tissues of some invertebrates

(D) The iron containing nitrogen transport in the red blood cells as well as the tissues of some invertebrates.