MCQ on Branches of Biology

MCQ on Biology

21- Father of Pathology

(A) Rudolph Virchow

(B) John Snow

(C) Hahnemann

(D) Robert Koch


22- Robert Koch is the father of

(A) Blood groups

(B) Bacteriology

(C) Blood Circulation

(D) Virology


23- Who is the father of plastic surgery?

(A) Aristotle

(B) Kolreutre

(C) Susruta

(D) Charka


24- Karl Landsteiner is the father of

(A) Blood cloning

(B) Blood Cell

(C) Blood Circulation

(D) Blood Groups


25- …………… the study of animal life.

(A) Insectology

(B) Biology

(C) Botany

(D) Zoology


26- …………… the study of internal structure of organism.

(A) Anatomy

(B) Agrology

(C) Anthology

(D) Andrology


27- Agrostology is

(A) Study of Crops

(B) Study of Grasses

(C) Study of Agriculture

(D) Study of Soil


28- …………… the study of rearing of honey bee for honey.

(A) Angiology

(B) Agriculture

(C) Apiculture

(D) Cytology


29- Anthology is a study of

(A) Soil

(B) Grasses

(C) Plants

(D) Flowers and Flowering plant


30- Study of bacteria is called

(A) Bacteriology

(B) Cryobiology

(C) Genetics

(D) Kalology



21-(A), 22-(B), 23-(C), 24-(D), 25-(D), 26-(A), 27-(B), 28-(C), 29-(D), 30-(A)