31- …………….is a study of population.
(A) Ethology
(B) Ecology
(C) Dermatology
(D) Demography
32- Dendrochronology is
(A) Study of effect of low temperature on organism and their preservation
(B) Random movement of molecule or gases from region of higher to lower Concentration
(C) Counting and analyzing annual growth rings of tree to know its age
(D) None of the above
33- ………..is a study of inter relationship between living and their environment.
(A) Evolution
(B) Ecology
(C) Biology
(D) Morphology
34- Study of origin of life, variation and formation of new species is called……………………
(A) Evolution
(B) Ethnology
(C) Etiology
(D) None of the above
35- Study of fertilization of egg, formation of Zygote and development of embryo is called…………………..
(A) Ethnology
(B) Etiology
(C) Embryology
(D) Exobiology
36- Study of science dealing with different races of human……………….
(A) Ethnology
(B) Gynecology
(C) Gerontology
(D) None of the above
37- Application of science to analysis of various facts and evidence to identify cause and involvement of people in criminal act.
(A) Forensic science
(B) Criminal science
(C) Genetic science
(D) None of the above
38- ………………is permanent increase in weight, volume and size of an organism.
(A) Development
(B) Growth
(C) Progress
(D) All of the above
39- Study of female reproductive organ is called
(A) Ornithology
(B) Hypotonic
(C) Gynecology
(D) Phylogeny
40- …………..is a science of taking care of health and prevent disease especially through cleanliness.
(A) Mycoogy
(B) Kalology
(C) Cleanliness
(D) Hygiene
31-(D), 32-(C), 33-(B), 34-(A), 35-(C), 36-(A), 37-(A), 38-(B), 39-(C), 40-(D)