MCQ on Land- Soil- Water Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources
1- …………… the important natural resource.
(A) Land
(B) Iron
(C) Petroleum
(D) All of the above
2- Land covers ……… percent of the total land area f the earth surface.
(A) 30 %
(B) 33%
(C) 35%
(D) 40%
3- 90% of the world population occupies only ……………percent of land.
(A) 40%
(B) 30%
(C) 20%
(D) 10%
4- The land which is used for different purposes such as agriculture, forestry, building houses and roads. This commonly termed as ……………….
(A) Factory use
(B) Agriculture use
(C) Land use
(D) Property use
5- Which of the following factors are responsible for land use?
(A) Topography and soil
(B) Climate and minerals
(C) Availability of water
(D) All of the above
6- Population and Technology are important determinants of …………….. pattern?
(A) Factory use
(B) Land use
(C) Property use
(D) None of the above
7- ………………..type of land is owned by the individuals.
(A) Public
(B) Private
(C) Common
(D) Natural
8- ………………….land is owned by the community for common use like fruits, nuts and medicinal herbs.
(A) Private land
(B) Natural land
(C) Community land
(D) All of the above
9- ……………land is also called common property resurces.
(A) Natural
(B) Public
(C) Private
(D) Community
10- What are the major threats of the environment to land?
(A) Land Degradation
(B) Landslide
(C) Soil erosion
(D) All of the above
1-(A), 2-(A), 3-(B), 4-(C), 5-(D), 6-(B), 7-(B), 8-(C), 9-(D), 10-(D)