MCQ on Microorganisms: Friends and Foe

CBSE/NCERT 8th Class MCQ CBSE/NCERT 8th Class MCQ on Science

MCQ on Microorganisms: Friends and Foe

1.Living organisms around us which we normally cannot sea with naked eye are called …….

(A) Microorganisms

(B) Microbes

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of the above


2.Microorganisms can be seen with the help of a ……..

(A) Magnifying glasses

(B) Microscope

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of the above


3.Blue green algae fix ……………directly from air and enhance fertility of soil.

(A) CO2

(B) Oxygen

(C) Nitrogen

(D) Sodium


4.Alcohol is produced with the help of …………

(A) Fruits

(B) Vegetables

(C) Microorganisms

(D) Curd


5.Cholera is caused by ……….

(A) Anopheles

(B) Vibrio cholerae Bacterium

(C) Protozoans

(D) None of the above


6.Yeast is used in the production of

(A)  Alcohol

(B) Oxygen

(C) Sugar

(D) All of the above


7. Which of the following is an antibiotic?

(A) Streptomycin

(B) Tetracycline

(C) Erythromycin

(D) All of the above  


8. Carrier of malaria-causing protozoans is

(A) Aedes

(B) Pathogens

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) Female Anopheles mosquito


9.The most common carrier of communicable diseases is

(A) Ant

(B) Cockroaches

(C) Housefly

(D) All of the above 


10.The bread or idli dough rises because of

(A) Growth of yeast cells

(B) Heat

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of the above



1-(C) 2-(B) 3-(C) 4-(C) 5-(B) 6-(A) 7-(D) 8-(D) 9-(C) 10-(A)