MCQ on Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

CBS/NCERT 9th Class MCQ on Geography CBSE/NCERT 9th Class MCQ

41- Name the medicinal plant whose leaves juice is used to cure for earache and also to regulate the blood pressure?

(A) Arjun Chhaal

(B) Tulsi

(C) Neem

(D) Babool


42- Which Medicinal plant is used to cure the eye sores and gum is used as a tonic?

(A) Neem

(B) Datura

(C) Babool

(D) Tulsi


43- Which plants leaves are high antibiotic and antibacterial properties?

(A) Babool

(B) Datura

(C) Neem

(D) Tulsi


44- Its leaves are used to cure cough and cold what is it?

(A) Kachnar

(B) Tulsi plant

(C) Neem

(D) Datura


45- It is a pain killer and helps in relieving Asthma and Bronchitis. It is ……………..

(A) Kachnar

(B) Neem

(C) Tulsi

(D) Datura or Brugmansia


46- Which of the following plant is good to cure Asthma, ulcer and it’s roots are used to cure snake bite?

(A) Kachnar

(B) Datura

(C) Tulsi

(D) Neem


47-Most majestic animals in mammals is elephant found in the hot wet areas of

(A) Assam

(B) Karnataka

(C) Kerala

(D) all of the above


48- One horned Rhinoceros animals live in the swampy and marshy areas of 

(A) Assam

(B) West Bengal

(C) Both of above

(D) None of the above


49- Wild Ass and Camels are found in the …………..areas of Rann of Kutch and the Thar Desert.


(B) Sub Tropical

(C) Cold

(D) Semi Arid


50- In which year the wild life protection act was implemented In India?

(A) 1962

(B) 1972

(C) 1982

(D) 1988



41-(A), 42-(B), 43-(C), 44-(B), 45-(D), 46-(A), 47-(D), 48-(C), 49-(A), 50-(B)