MCQ on Pacific Ocean

MCQ on Geography

MCQ on Pacific Ocean


1-Which is the largest and deepest ocean in the world?

(A) Pacific Ocean

(B) Indian Ocean

(C) Arctic Ocean

(D) None of the above


2- Which of the following ocean is located in the north of Pacific Ocean?

(A) Arctic Ocean 

(B) Indian Ocean

(C) South Pacific

(D) None of the above


3- Which of the following Ocean is bounded by the continents of Asia and Australia in west and Americas in the east?

(A) Antarctic Ocean

(B) Pacific Ocean

(C) Indian Ocean

(D) Arctic Ocean


4- What is the total surface area of Pacific Ocean?

(A) 155, 250,000 km square

(B) 175, 250,000 km square

(C) 165,250,000 Km square

(D) None of the above


5- Ocean circulation subdivides Pacific Ocean into……………..and ………….. two largely independent volume of water which meets at equator

(A) West Pacific and East Pacific

(B) West Pacific and North Pacific

(C) East Pacific and South Pacific

(D) North Pacific and South Pacific


6- Which of the following is ocean sub divided into two parts southern and northern Ocean?

(A) Indian

(B) Pacific

(C) Arctic

(D) None of the above


7- While straddling the equator, the Galapagos and Gilbert Islands are deemed wholly within which ocean?

(A) Northern Pacific

(B) Southern Pacific

(C) Indian Ocean

(D) Arctic Ocean


8- Name the world’s deepest point in Mariana Trench which is located in the western north Pacific at a reaching point of 10,928 meter below sea level?

(A) Sirena Deep

(B) Tonga Trench

(C) Challenger Deep

(D) None of the above


9- Which of the following deepest point in located in Tonga Trench, at 10,823 meter below sea level in southern hemisphere?

(A) Sirena Deep

(B) Challenger Deep

(C) Mariana Trench

(D) Horizon Deep


10- Which is the third deepest point on earth that is also located in Mariana Trench?

(A) Sirena Deep

(B) Challenger Deep

(C) Horizon Deep

(D) None of the above



1-(A), 2-(A), 3-(B), 4-(C), 5-(D), 6-(B), 7-(B), 8-(C), 9-(D), 10-(A)