MCQ on Physical Features of India
1- The forces that have their origin deep down in the earth’s interior is known as ………
(A) Tectonic forces
(B) Monogenic forces
(C) Exogenic forces
(D) Endogenic forces
2- Those force which are connected with the atmosphere and consequently are external to the earth is known as ……….
(A) Mongenic Forces
(B) Endogenic forces
(C) Exogenic forces
(D) None of the Above
3- Rising currents tear the crust part, dividing it into large fragments then it is called ………….
(A) Eurasian plates
(B) Tectonic or Lithospheric plates
(C) Australian plate
(D) Gondwanaland
4-Name the type of boundary formed while some plates come towards each other to form …………
(A) Convergent boundary
(B) Transform Boundary
(C) Divergent Boundary
(D) None of the above
5- Name the type of Boundary formed when some plates move away from each other to form …………..
(A) Divergent boundary
(B) Convergent Boundary
(C) Transform Boundary
(D) None of the above
6- When two plates come together they may either collide or crumble or may slide under other or they may move horizontally to form ………….
(A) Convergent boundary
(B)Transform boundary
(C) Divergent boundary
(D) None of the above
7- India was a part of an ancient super continent, called the
(A) Tectonic Plates
(B) Australian plate
(C) Gondwanaland
(D) None of the above
8- Which of the following is an example of young and Fold Mountain?
(A) Aravali Range
(B) Ural Mountain
(C) Appalachian Mountain
(D) Himalayan Mountain
9-Himalayan mountain ranges run in ……………..direction from Indus to Brahmaputra.
(A) South – north
(B) West – east
(C) East – west
(D) North – south
10- Name the mountain which is a loftiest one of the most rugged mountain barrier in the world?
(A) Aravali Range
(B) Himalayan Mountain
(C) Ural Mountain
(D) None of the above
1-(D), 2-(C), 3-(B), 4-(A), 5-(A), 6-(B), 7-(C), 8-(D), 9-(B), 10-(B)