11- In which type of migration people move from one part of country to another?
(A) International migration
(B) Regional migration
(C) Territory migration
(D) Internal migration
12- In which type of migration people move from one country to another country?
(A) regional migration
(B) Internal migration
(C) International migration
(D) None of the above
13- Which type of migration in country affects population within the country?
(A) Regional migration
(B) International migration
(C) Rural to urban migration
(D) Internal migration
14- Which of the following reasons are responsible for internal migration within country?
(A Poverty and unemployment
(B) Lack of demand for labour in agriculture
(C) Expansion of industrial and service sector in urban area
(D) All of the above
15- The number of females per thousands male is known as
(A) Sex ratio
(B) Death rate
(C) Birth rate
(D) None of the above
16- Which of the following state has highest population density 104 per square km?
(A) Assam
(B) West Bengal
(C) Goa
(D) Tamil Nadu
17- Due to fertile soil and good rainfall or sufficient irrigation facility areas have population of more than 300 persons per square km. These areas are termed as
(A) Sparsely populated area
(B) Medium populated area
(C) Densely populated area
(D) None of the above
18- Migration change the number, distribution and composition of the population in areas of
(A) Departure
(B) Arrival
(C) Both
(D) None of the above
19- A large proportion of children in a population is a result of
(A) High birth rate
(B) High death rate
(C) Both
(D) None of the above
20- The magnitude of population growth refers to
(A) The rate at which population increased
(B) The number of females per thousand
(C) The number of persons added each year
(D) None of the above
11-(D), 12-(C), 13-(B), 14-(D), 15-(A), 16-(B), 17-(C), 18-(D), 19-(A), 20-(C)