Miscellaneous MCQ on synonyms and antonyms – PART 1

MCQ on English

51- Choose the best expresses meaning to the underlined word

One must not eat anything with ‘grubby’ hand.

(A) Dirty

(B) Unprepared

(C) Rough

(D) Silly


52- Choose the opposite meaning word for underlined word

The players were in a ‘jubilant’ mood after the cup victory

(A) Despondent

(B) Angry

(C) Repentant

(D) Regretful


53- …………..is synonym to ‘Berate’

(A) Judge

(B) Scold

(C) Downgrade

(D) Deny


54- ……………is antonym word to ‘Laconic’

(A) Prolific

(B) Profligate

(C) Prolix

(D) Bucolic


55- Choose the word that best expresses meaning of the given word


(A) Submerge

(B) Conflict

(C) Confuse

(D) Trap


56- …………….is synonym word to ‘Estrange’

(A) Puzzling

(B) Alienate

(C) Endanger

(D) Miscalculate


57- Choose the alternative which is opposite in meaning to the given word


(A) Make

(B) Restore

(C) Build

(D) Relieve


58- …………….is opposite word to ‘Flaccid.

(A) Tough

(B) Upright

(C) Taut

(D) Uneven


59- Choose the opposite meaning word to the given word


(A) Social

(B) Friendly

(C) Family

(D) Enemy


60- Select the appropriate antonym to the given word


(A) Lazy

(B) Austere

(C) Intolerant

(D) Busy



51-(A), 52-(A), 53-(B), 54-(C),5 5-(D), 56-(B), 57-(B), 58-(C), 59-(D), 60-(A)