Child Development and Pedagogy for Level -II (TGT)
Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET, HTET and other states TET Exams
Most important Question Answers on CDP
1.Which of the following is not a subordinate law given in ‘Trial and Error’ Theory?
(A) Law of multiple responses
(B) Law of Attitude
(C) Law of Exercise
(D) Law of Response by analogy
2. According to Piaget, the age range of the substage ‘mental representation’, of the sensory motor stage is
(A) Birth to one year
(B) 4 to 8 months
(C) 8 to 12 months
(D) 18 months to 2 years
3. The psychologist who tried to develop a learning theory using principles of topology (A branch of mathematics) is
(A) Kurt Lewin
(B) Sigmund Freud
(C) William James
(D) Skinner
4. Which of the following is not an example of children with special needs as per RPWD Act, 2016?
(A) Acid attack victims
(B) Cerebral Palsy
(C) Children with Visual impairment
(D) None of the above
5. Testing used during instruction to aid in planning and diagnosis is known as
(A) Formative Assessment
(B) Summative Assessment
(C) Normative Assessment
(D) None of the above
6.The teacher said Rekha that she is not allowed to participate in game period as she has not completed her homework. It is an example of ….
(A) Negative reinforcement
(B) Punishment
(C) Positive reinforcement
(D) Tangible reward
7. The ability of classification develops at
(A) Sensory motor stage
(B) Preoperational stage
(C) Concrete operational stage
(D) None of these
8. Which type of teaching material is most effective for a child with visual impairment?
(A) Video based
(B) Visual based
(C) Tactile based
(D) None of the above
9.Modelling is the concept given by
(A) Albert Bandaru
(B) J. B. Watson
(C) Freud
(D) Vygotsky
10. Which of the following has viewed the child as ‘Tabula-Rasa’ (Blank Slate)?
(A) Freud
(B) Piaget
(C) Skinner
(D) John Locke
11. Which of the following theory viewed cognitive development as a socially mediated process?
(A) Socio Cultural theory
(B) Social Learning theory
(C) Psycho Sexual theory
(D) Sign Learning theory
12. A 3 years old boy says, “The sun is angry”. This is an example of
(A) Animism
(B) Egocentric
(C) Criticism
(D) Intuition
13. Which of the following is not a type of intelligence as given by Gardner?
(A) Musical intelligence
(B) Spatial intelligence
(C) Interpersonal intelligence
(D) Analytical intelligence
14. “TEACCH” programme is mostly used to teach children with
(A)Hearing impairment
(B) Gifted Students
(C) Intellectual disability
(D) Autism
15. Which of the following studied moral development in children?
(A)Lawrence Kohlberg
(B) Piaget
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) None of the above
16. Providing Salary to the teacher at the end of every month, which schedule of reinforcement it reflects?
(A) Fixed ratio
(B) Variable ratio
(C) Fixed interval
(D) Variable interval
17. Who proposed that the children have language acquisition device?
(A) Chomsky
(B) Piaget
(C) Vygotsky
(D) Dan Slobin
18. Who proposed Advanced Organizer Model of teaching?
(A) Bruner
(B) Pavlov
(C) Ausubel
(D) Piaget
19. Multiple Intelligence theory was proposed by
(A) Alfred Binet
(B) Jean Piaget
(C) Harward Gardner
(D) Jensen
20. According to Freud the age range of ‘Oral Stage” of Psycho-sexual development is
(A) Birth to 1 years*
(B) Birth to 2 years
(C) Birth to 3 years
(D) Birth to 4 years