B.Tech all courses 3rd and 4th semester question papers held in June-July 2023 

PTU Question Papers Question Papers

Punjab Technical University 

PTU B.Tech all courses 3rd and 4th semester question papers held in June-July 2023 

PTU B.Tech 3rd and 4th Semester all courses question paper held in June July 2023

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3rd Semester


BTAM 302 Mathematics-III————–Download

BTAM 303-18 Mathematics-III ————-Download

BTAM 304-18 Mathematics-III ————–Download

BTAM 304-18 Mathematics-III—————Download


BTCS 301 Computer Architecture————Download

BTCS 301-18 Data Structure and Algorithms—–Download

BTCS 302-18 Object Oriented Programming —–Download

BTCS 303 Digital Circuits and Logic Design——–Download


BTEC 301-18 Electronic Devices————-Download

BTEC 302-18 Digital System Design ——–Download

BTEC 303-18 Electronic Waves ————-Download

BTEC 304-18 Network Theory ————–Download

BTEC 305-18 Basic Electronics Engineering————-Download


BTES 301-18 Digital Electronics ————-Download

BTES 302-18 Computer Architecture ——–Download


BTIT 301-18 Data Structures and Algorithms ——-Download

BTIT 302-18 Object Oriented Programming ———-Download


BTME 301 Strength of Materials-I ——–Download

BTME 301-18 Fluid Mechanics ———Download

BTME 302 Theory of Machines-I ———-Download

BTME 302-18 Theory of Machines-I ———Download

BTME 303 Machine Drawing————-Download

BTME 303-18 Machine Drawing ————Download

BTME 304 Applied Thermodynamics ———-Download

BTME 304-18 Strength of materials-I ———-Download

BTME 303-18 Machine Drawing ———–Drawing

BTME 305-18 Basic Thermodynamics ———Download

BTME 306 Engineering Materials and Metallurgy——Download


HSMC 101-18 Development of Societies ———Download

HSMC 102-18 Philosophy —————Download

4th Semester


BTCS 301-18 Data Structures and Algorithms——Download

BTCS 401-18 Discrete Mathematics———-Download

BTCS 402 Discrete Structures ———Download

BTCS 402-18 Operating System——-Download

BTCS 403-18 Design and Analysis of Algorithms——Download


BTME 401 Strength of Materials-II———–Download

BTME 401-18 Applied Thermodynamics——-Download

BTME 402 Theory of Machines-II ———–Download

BTME 402-18 Fluid Machines ———–Download

BTME 404 Applied Thermodynamics——Download

BTME 404-18 Materials Engineering ——–Download

BTME 403 Fluid Mechanics——-Download

BTME 403-18 Strength of Materials-II———-Download

BTME 405 Manufacturing Processes-II—–Download

BTME 405-18 Theory of Machines-II——Download


BTEC 401 Analog Communication Systems—–Download

BTEC 401-18 Analog Circuits———–Download

BTEC 402-18 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers——–Download

BTEC 403 Electromagnetics and Antennas—–Download

BTEC 403-18 Signals and Systems———-Download


BTIT 401-18 Computer Networks ———-Download

BTIT 402-18 Operating Systems ————Download

BTIT 403-18 Design and Analysis of Algorithms———-Download


HSMC 101-18 Development of Societies———–Download

HSMC 122-18 Universal Human Values——–Download