B. Tech all courses 5th and 6th semester question papers held in June-July 2023 

PTU Question Papers Question Papers

Punjab Technical University 

PTU B. Tech all courses 5th and 6th semester question papers held in June-July 2023 

PTU B.Tech all courses 5th and 6th semester question papers

Free to Download 

5th Semester


BTAM 500 Mathematics-III ————-Download


BTME 501 Design of Machine Elements-I——–Download

BTME 501-18 Heat Transfer ———–Download

BTME 502 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing—-Download

BTME 502-18 Design of Machine Elements———-Download

BTME 503 Mechanical Measurement and Metrology——–Download

BTME 504-18 Management and Engineering Economics—-Download

BTME 505 Automobile Engineering———–Download


BTMS YYY-18 Project Management———-Download


BTEC 501-18 Analog and Digital Communication———-Download

BTEC 502 Digital Signal Processing———-Download

BTEC 502-18 Digital Signal Processing——-Download

BTEC 503-18 Linear Integrated Circuits———-Download

BTEC 504-18 Control Systems————-Download

BTEC 905D-18 Programming in Java ———-Download


BTES 501-18 Enterprise Resource Planning———–Download


BTCS 501 Computer Networks-II———Download

BTCS 501-18 Database Management Systems———-Download

BTCS 502-18 Formal Language and Automata Theory——Download

BTCS 503-18 Software Engineering—————-Download

BTCS 504-18 Computer Networks———–Download

BTCS 520-18 Web Technologies——-Download


BTIT 501-18 Formal Language and Automata Theory——Download

BTIT 502-18 Database Management Systems———Download

BTIT 503-18 Programming in Java ———–Download

BTIT 504-18 Software Engineering————-Download

BTIT 509-18 Cyber Laws and IPR ————-Download


HSMC 122-18 Universal Human Values——-Download


6th Semester


BTME 503-18 Manufacturing Processes———Download

BTME 601 Design of Machine Elements -II———Download

BTME 601-18 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning——–Download

BTME 602 Heat Transfer————Download

BTME 602-18 Mechanical Measurements and Metrology—-Download

BTME 603 Fluid Machinery ———–Download

BTME 603-18 Automobile Engineering———Download

BTME 604-18 Introduction to Industrial Management——Download

BTME 613-18 Computer Aided Design——-Download

BTME 615-18 Non-Conventional Energy Resources——-Download


DE/ME 2.0 Non Traditional Machining ———Download


BTEC 601 Microwave and Radar Engineering——Download

BTEC 601-18 Wireless Communication———Download

BTEC 602 Wireless Communication System——–Download

BTEC 602-18 Optical Fibers and Communications——-Download

BTEC 603-18 Microwave and Antenna Engineering——Download

BTEC 906D-18 C# and .NET Programming———Download


BTCS 402-18 Operating System——Download

BTCS 504-18 Computer Networks———-Download 

BTCS 504-18 Computer Networks ——- Download

BTCS 601 Simulation and Modeling———Download

BTCS 601-18 Compiler Design ———–Download

BTCS 602-18 Artificial Intelligence ——–Download

BTCS 612-18 Cloud Computing———-Download

BTCS 618-18 Machine Learning———Download

BTCS 620-18 Mobile Application Development——Download


BTIT 601-18 Big Data———-Download

BTIT 602-18 Web Technologies———-Download

BTIT 608-18 Machine Learning———–Download

BTIT 609-18 Agile Software Development——Download

BTIT 613-18 Cloud Computing———-Download