MCA all semester question papers held in June -July 2023

PTU Question Papers Question Papers

Punjab Technical University

PTU MCA all semester question papers to download —held in June -July 2023

1st Semester

PGCA 1905 Technical Communication————–Download 

PGCA-1917 Discrete Structures and Optimization ————Download 

PGCA 1951 Programming in Python————Download 

PGCA 1952 Advanced Data Structures———-Download 

PGCA 1953 Advanced Database Management System———–Download 


2nd Semester

PGCA 1909 Web Technologies—————Download 

PGCA 1920 Design and Analysis of Algorithms————-Download 

PGCA 1918 Advanced Java ———–Download 

PGCA 1956 Linux Administration—————-Download 

PGCA 1932 Information Security and Cyber Law————–Download 

3rd Semester

PGCA 1921 E-Commerce and Digital Marketing ————–Download 

PGCA 1925 Advanced Computer Networking——————-Download 

PGCA 1926 Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing—————Download 

PGCA 1927 Theory of Computation —————Download 

PGCA 1930 Software Project Management———-Download 


4th Semester

PGCA 1958 Advance Web Technologies—————Download 

PGCA 1967 IOT and Blockchain Technologies————Download 

PGCA 1976 Machine Learning and Data Analytics Using Python———–Download