MCQ on Our Environment

CBSE/NCERT 10th Class MCQ CBSE/NCERT 10th Class MCQ on Science

11- Which of the following is an example of artificial ecosystem?

(A) Forest      

(B) Wind 

(C) Ponds

(D) Crop Field


12- According to Food Chain, which of the following levels are correctly matched?

    1 First level- The Autotrophs or the producers

    2 Second level- The herbivores or the primary consumer

    3 Third level- Small Carnivores or secondary consumer      

    4 Fourth level- Large Consumer or The tertiary consumer

(A) Only 1 and 2

(B) Only 3 and 4

(C) All are wrong

(D) All are correct


13- Depletion in ozone is due to

(A) Chlorofluorocarbon compound

(B) Methane

(C) Pesticide

(D) All of the above


14- In an ecosystem, 10 % of energy available for transform from one trophic level to next in form of ……………….

(A) Potential energy

(B) Chemical energy

(C) Heat energy

(D) None of the above


15- Which of the following is responsible to limit the number of tropic level in a food chain?

(A) Increase in energy at higher trophic levels

(B) Change in energy levels at higher level

(C) Decrease in energy at higher trophic levels

(D) Water


16-The green plants in a terrestrial ecosystem capture about…………… of the energy of sunlight that falls on their leaves and convert it into food energy.

(A) 0%

(B) 5%

(C) 1%

(D) 10%


17- What is/are the biotic components?

(A) All living organisms

(B) All Non-living organisms

(C) All man made components

(D) None of the above


18- What is/are the abiotic organisms?

(A) All living organisms

(B) Physical features

(C) Chemical components  

(D) None of the above


19- What will happen if we remove deer from food chain?

       Grass ——› Goat——› Tiger

(A) The Tiger will start eating Grass

(B) The Population of Tiger Increases

(C) The population of Tiger decreases

(D) No change takes place


20- The percentage of solar radiation absorbed by all the green plants for the process of photosynthesis is about …………

(A) 15%

(B) 5%

(C) 10 %

(D) 1 %



11-(D), 12-(D), 13-(A), 14-(B), 15-(C), 16-(C), 17-(A), 18-(B), 19-(C), 20-(D)