Value of biodiversity

Value of biodiversity: The value of biodiversity is classified into direct and indirect values as shown in the below diagram. Direct values The direct value include food resources like grains, vegetables, fruits which are obtained from plant resources and meat, fish, egg, milk and milk products from animal resources. These also include other values like […]

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Thermal pollution

Thermal pollution: When there is an increase in the temperature of water bodies by industrial processes or activity of thermal power stations it is referred to as thermal pollution. The heated water causes a lowering of dissolved oxygen (DO) level in the body of water. As the DO content decreases the demand of oxygen increases […]

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Sustainable development

Sustainable development: Sustainable development is defined as meeting the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The purpose of sustainable development is to achieve equitable distribution of resources continuously for many human generations. This type of development emphasizes the use of renewable resources and appropriate technology. During […]

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Structure and components of ecosystem

Structure and components of ecosystem: The ecosystem comprises of the biotic and abiotic components. These are the basic functional units as they include the organisms and the environment surrounding them which influence the properties of each other and are required for the survival and maintenance also. Abiotic or the non living environment forms the basic elements […]

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Solid waste management

Solid waste management: Introduction: Solid wastes are all the wastes arising from human and animal activities that are normally solid and that are discarded as useless or unwanted. It also encompasses the heterogeneous mass of throwaway from residences and commercial activities as well as the more homogenous accumulators of a single industrial activity. Types of solid […]

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Soil pollution

Soil pollution: Soil is the layer of organic and inorganic material that forms the top surface of earth’s crust. The organic material is derived from decayed remains of plants and animals. The inorganic material is made up of rock fragments. Soil pollution is the introduction of contaminants or substances which result in a change of soil quality. […]

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Role of IT in environment and human health

Role of IT in environment and human health: Information technology (IT) is one of the fastest growing recent technology. Various software have been developed for environment and health care which are user friendly and help in better understanding for the topic. A lot of techniques are used under IT for development and application of computational […]

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Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy

Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy: Non-renewable sources of energy: The sources of energy which takes thousands of years to recreate are known as non-renewable sources of energy. Oil, Natural gas, nuclear fuel, coal etc are the examples of such types of sources. Renewable sources of energy: The sources of energy which can be replenished in a […]

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Producers Consumers and decomposers

Producers Consumers and decomposers: Producers :These are the energy transducers which convert solar energy into chemical energy with the help of inorganic and organic substances.The producers  make their own food  and are referred to as autotrophs (auto means self and troph means nourishing). Autotrophs are further of two types photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs. Photoautotrophs mainly green plants […]

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Pollution and pollutants

Pollution and pollutants: The change (disturbance) in any component of the environment which leads to its deterioration is termed as pollution of the environment. It is the undesirable change in the physical or biological components which adversely alters the environment. Pollutants: The substances which are present in harmful concentration and is the agent who causes pollution […]

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