B.Tech 7th and 8th Semester Previous Question Papers for all courses
Download B.Tech. 7th and 8th Semester Previous Question Papers for all courses-JULY 2022
B.Tech. Semester 7th and 8th Question Papers
Subject code with subject name:-
7th Semester
- HU252/HU251/DE13/ME25 Human Resource Management——Download
- BTAE 701-18 Vehicle Dynamics——–Download
- BTAE 702-18 Automotive Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition—-Download
- BTCE 810 Ground Improvement Techniques——–Download
- BTCE 817 Hydrology and Dams ———–Download
- BTCS 301-18 Data Structure and Algorithms—-Download
- BTCS 403 Computer Network ——-Download
- BTCS 905 Software Testing and Quality Assurance —–Download
- BTCS 906 Object Oriented Analysis and Design——-Download
- BTCS 910 Multimedia and Application ———Download
- BTCS 912 Cloud Computing ———Download
- BTCS 915 Digital Image Processing——-Download
- BTCS 916 Enterprise Resource Planning——Download
- BTCS 504-18 Computer Networks—–Download
- BTCS 704-18 Deep Learning—-Download
- BTCS 710-18 Agile Software Development——Download
- BTCS 712-18 Blockchain Technologies———Download
- BTCS 712-18UC digital Image Processing——Download
- BTCS 706-18UC Speech and Natural Language Processing——-Download
- BTEC 701 Embedded System——-Download
- BTEC 702 Optical Communication ———-Download
- BTEC 913 Human Resources Management———Download
- BTEC 919 Mobile Computing ———Download
- BTEC 301-18 Electronic Devices—–Download
- BTEC 402-18 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers——Download
- BTEC 501-18 Analog and Digital Communication—-Download
- BTEC 905A-18 Routing and Switching——Download
- BTEC 906A-18 WLAN and Security——-Download
- BTEC 907C-18 Robotics and Automation——-Download
- BTEC 907D-18 Python Programming——Download
- BTEC 908C-18 VLSI Design—–Download
- BTEC 908D-18 Soft Computing—–Download
- BTEE 801 Power System Analysis ———Download
- BTEE 802 High Voltage Engineering ——–Download
- BTEE 803 Non Conventional Energy Sources———-Download
- BTEE 804B Energy Auditing and Management———-Download
- BTEE 804E Network and Data Communication———-Download
- BTEE 805A Power Quality Monitoring and Conditioning——Download
- BTEE 805D Energy Efficient Machines——–Download
- BTEE 701A-18 Electrical Energy Conservation and Auditing—–Download
- BTEE 701B-18 Computer Aided Power System Analysis——-Download
- BTEE 701D-18 Electrical and Hybrid Vehicle—–Download
- BTEE 702B-18 Microcontroller and PLC——-Download
- BTEE 703B-18 Restructured Power Systems——Download
- BTEE 703D-18 Energy Storage System—–Download
- BTEEE 702-18 High Voltage Dc Transmission System—–Download
- BTEEE 703D-18 Transducers and its Applications——Download
- BTBT 701 Bioprocess Technology———-Download
- BTBT 702-18 Instrumentation and Process Control—–Download
- BTFT 701 Food Plant Design and Project Engineering——Download
- BTFT 702 Advance Techniques in Food Processing——Download
- BTFT 703 Nutraceutical and Functional Foods——Download
- BTFT 704 Waste Management in Food Industry ——Download
- BTFT 705 Research Methodology ———Download
- BTME 801 Industrial Engineering and Management—-Download
- BTME 802 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning—–Download
- BTME 609-18 Internal Combustion Engines—-Download
- BTME 612-18 Composite Materials———Download
- BTME 613-18 Computer Aided Design——Download
- BTME 616-18 Operation Research ——Download
- DE/PE 2.1 Industrial Engineering———Download
- DE/ME 2.4 Non Destructive Testing——–Download
- DE/ME 2.5 Total Quality Management———-Download
- OECE 702-18 Traffic Management——Download
- OECE 703-18 Road Safety——Download
- OECE 704-18 Environment Impact Assessment——Download
- OECE 705-18 Construction Materials——Download
- OEE 102-18 Power Electronics——–Download
- OEE 104-18 Renewable Energy Sources—–Download
- HSMC 103-18 Education, Technology and Society—–Download
- HSMC 104-18 History of Science and Technology in India—–Download
- PECE 701C-18 Intelligent Transport on Systems——Download
- PECE 703B-18 River Engineering——-Download
8th Semester
- BTAE 703-18 Measurements and Instrumentation —-Download
- BTAE 709 Hydraulic and Pneumatic system for Automobile—–Download
- BTAE 712-18 Automotive Fuels and Emissions—–Download
- BTCS 302-18 Object Oriented Programming—-Download
- BTEC 302-18 Digital System Design——–Download
- BTEC 601-18 Wireless Communication——Download
- BTEC 906B-18 Satellite Communication——–Download
- BTEC 907A-18 Internet of Things (IOT) and Cloud Computing—-Download
- BTEC 909E-18 Biomedical Signal Processing—–Download
- BTEE 603 Non Linear and Digital Control System——Download
- BTEE 606A Computer Aided Electrical Machine——–Download
- BTEE 702A-18 Computation Electromagnetic——Download
- BTIT 501-18 Database Management System——Download
- BTIT 705-18 Human Computer Interaction —–Download
- BTME 6XX/ME 251 Total Quality Management——-Download
- HSMC 118-18 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies—–Download
- PECE703F-18 Urban Hydrology and Hydraulic ——–Download
- OEEE 101-18 Fundamentals in Control Systems—–Download
- OEE 101-18 Control System——-Download
- OEE 103-18 Electrical Energy Conservation and Auditing—–Download
7th and 8th Semester
- BTCE 801 Design of Steel Structures-II———Download
- BTCE 802 Disaster Management ——Download
- BTCE 803 Irrigation Engineering-II———-Download
- BTCE 804 Transportation Engineering-II——Download
- BTCE 815 Advanced Environment Engineering——–Download
- BTCE 819 Traffic Engineering ——-Download
- BTCS 701 Artificial Intelligence ———-Download
- BTCS 702 Theory of Computation————Download
- BTCS 907 Software Project Management——-Download
- BTCS 402-18 Operating Systems——Download
- BTCS 501-18 Database Management System—–Download
- BTCS 602-18 Artificial Intelligence ——-Download
- BTCS 701-18 Network Security and Cryptography—-Download
- BTCS 702-18 Data Mining and Data Warehousing—–Download
- BTCS 706-18 Distributed Databases——Download
- BTCS 714-18 Parallel Computing——-Download
- BTCS 716 -18 Adhoc and wireless Sensor Networks——Download
- BTEC 907B-18 Antenna Radiating Systems——Download
- BTEC 908A-18 Artificial Intelligence——-Download
- BTEC 908B-18 Mobile Communication and Networks—–Download
- BTEC 909A-18 Introduction to Big Data ———–Download
- BTEC 909B-18 Information Theory and Coding——–Download
- BTEC 909C-18 Embedded System Design——Download
- BTEC 908B-18 Mobile Communication and Networks——Download
- BTEE 701A-18 Electrical Energy Conservation and Auditing—-Download
- BTEE 702D-18 Distributed Generation——Download
- BTEE 703A-18 Industrial Electrical Systems——Download
- BTES 401-18 Computer Organization and Architecture—–Download
- BTIT 706-18 Dataware and Mining—-Download
- BTME 803 Mechanical Vibrations———–Download
- BTME 610-18 Mechatronics Systems—–Download
- BTME 614-18 Product Design and Development—–Download
- BTME 615-18 Non Conventional Energy Resources—–Download
- BTME 617 -18 Maintenance and Reliability——Download
- BTME 701-18 Mechanical Vibrations——Download
- BTME 702-18 Automation in Manufacturing—–Download
- BTME 703-18 Fundamentals of Management for Engineers—–Download
- OECE 701-18 Metro Systems and Engineering—–Download
- HSMC 113-18 Values and Ethics——-Download
- HSMC 255 Professional Practice, Law and Ethics——Download
- PECE 701A-18 Pavement and Geometric Design of Highways—–Download
- PECE 701B-18 Airport Planning and Design——Download
- PECE 701D-18 Highways Construction and Management———Download
- PECE 701F-18 Traffic engineering and Management——Download
- PECE 702B-18 Rural Water Supply and Onsite Sanitation Systems—Download
- PECE 702D-18 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management—–Download
- PECE 702F-18 Sustainable Engineering and Technology ———Download
- PECE 703A-18 Design of Hydraulic Structures—–Download
- PECE 703C-18 Ground Water——Download